Saturday Dentist in Oxnard, CA

Between you and your partner’s work schedules and the children’s school and after-school schedules, fitting in a dental appointment can seem like an arduous task. Fortunately, Dentistry by Seabridge offers Saturday appointments.

What Services Do Saturday Dentists Offer?

We offer the same services on Saturday as we do during the week. You can get routine check-ups, cleanings, restoration work, or have cosmetic services done on Saturday in Oxnard, CA. Our hours make it convenient for busy families to squeeze in a dental appointment when they have time, instead of trying to work around the office schedule.

No Missing School

Instead of pulling your child out of school for a dental appointment, you can schedule one on Saturday when your kids are already out of school for the day. If you work a Monday through Friday schedule, a Saturday appointment is convenient for the entire family.

You don’t need to take a morning or afternoon off work, and your child won’t miss out on anything at school.

Saturday Emergencies

Having the convenience of a Saturday dentist near you also means they can see you if you have a dental emergency. If your child is playing outside and they break a tooth or wake up with a toothache, you may be able to schedule an emergency appointment at our weekend dentist in Oxnard, CA.

While spending part of the weekend at our dentist’s office may not be how you envision the weekend, it is a valuable convenience for families when both parents work. Everyone’s activities can make it difficult to schedule appointments during the week, so with Saturday appointments available, you can put the dentist off until the weekend,

Whether it is a routine check-up, replacing a decayed tooth, or being seen for an emergency, having a Saturday appointment with our dentist at Dentistry by Seabridge ensures that you or your child won’t be suffering until Monday when you need to see our dentist right away in Oxnard, CA. Our Saturday hours are by appointment only.

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